Is the grass greener on the other side?

Here are some residency comparisons for you to consider.

This graph is portrayed on the website, showing an imprecise and out-of-context discrepancy between the LLUH salaries (not including new housing stipend) and salaries (including housing stipends) at other residency programs.

Continue reading for cost-of-living comparisons that put these program differences into context.

Cost-of-Living Differences

Using’s Cost of Living Calculator (calculated on 2/18/23)

Collective bargaining agreements at other institutions,* as negotiated by unions, did NOT achieve salary improvements that would provide a standard of living comparable to LLUH resident salaries even prior to the newly-introduced housing stipend.

The UAPD currently represents the psychiatry residents in San Mateo County, and they are reportedly among the highest paid residents in the country based on salary alone; however, their negotiated contract did not achieve a salary and housing stipend that would compensate for the high cost of living in the Bay Area.

San Mateo

A PGY-2 San Mateo County Psychiatry resident would need to make an estimated salary of $112,231 to maintain the same standard of living as a PGY-2 LLUH resident WITHOUT a housing stipend. What a PGY-2 San Mateo County Psychiatry resident’s salary is (they do not have a housing stipend): $80,974.


A PGY-2 resident at UC Irvine would need to make an estimated salary of $89,052 to maintain the same standard of living as a PGY-2 LLUH resident WITHOUT a housing stipend. What a PGY-2 UC Irvine resident’s salary is WITH their housing stipend: $74,495.

San Diego

A PGY-2 resident at UC San Diego would need to make an estimated salary of $88,480 to maintain the same standard of living as a PGY-2 LLUH resident WITHOUT a housing stipend. What a PGY-2 UC San Diego resident’s salary is WITH their housing stipend: $87,515.

Los Angeles

A PGY-2 resident at USC or UCLA would need to make an estimated salary of $92,479 to maintain the same standard of living as a PGY-2 LLUH resident WITHOUT a housing stipend. What a PGY-2 USC resident’s salary is WITH a housing stipend: $79,611.02. What a PGY-2 UCLA resident’s salary is WITH their housing stipend: $90,513.


A PGY-2 resident at UC Davis would need to make an estimated salary of $70,419 to maintain the same standard of living as a PGY-2 LLUH resident WITHOUT a housing stipend. What a PGY-2 UC Davis resident’s salary is WITH their housing stipend: $70,507.06.

San Francisco

A PGY-2 resident at UC San Francisco would need to make an estimated salary of $121,984 to maintain the same standard of living as a PGY-2 LLUH resident WITHOUT a housing stipend. What a PGY-2 UC San Francisco resident’s salary is WITH their housing stipend: $80,101.92.

Palo Alto

A PGY-2 resident at Stanford would need to make an estimated salary of $110,039 to maintain the same standard of living as a PGY-2 LLUH resident WITHOUT a housing stipend. What a PGY-2 Stanford resident’s salary is WITH a housing stipend: $84,971.20.

*Stanford does not yet have a finalized union contract. The salary information above is based on current institution data.