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As current residents and fellows at Loma Linda University Health (LLUH), we believe it is important for each person to have their voice heard. We have faced challenges ourselves and agree that there need to be major changes at LLUH to support us in providing excellent, high-quality care to the underserved in this region of California. We also believe it is imperative that we fully understand the risks involved with unionization and are properly informed prior to making a lasting decision regarding union representation for us and our future colleagues. This website is an attempt to gather resources we have found through personal research. If there are any errors, missing information, or other resources that should be added, please notify us using the form on the Contact Us page.

This website is not endorsed by and does not represent the position of Loma Linda University Health.

We respect the opinions and beliefs of all and have made our best effort to make sure the information provided on this website is truthful and accurate.

You Need to Know

  • The most important thing you can do to ensure your voice is heard is to vote on Election Day

  • In California, which is a non-Right to Work state, even those employees who decline to be members of a union are often still required to pay fees

  • A person objecting to paying union dues and fees for religious reasons would still have the equal amount deducted from their salary and donated to a non-religious or non-political charity

  • Unions utilize dues to support political activities and some find this objectionable

  • Unions cannot be easily removed if their bargaining is unsatisfactory

  • Unions are exclusive bargaining bodies and place a middleman between employees and employers, limiting open communication and flexibility for personalized employee needs

  • UAPD has limited experience representing resident physicians

  • More about union contracts and salary differences in other residency programs in California